The greatest tragedy of life is the inability to differ between wants and needs. If only man can understand the difference between what their wants are from what their needs are, major stress and crisis in life would not be there. Many are what men want to have and possess but few are what they need to have and possess.
This inability to differ in between want and need explains why many are sad, unhappy, and unfulfilled in the midst of plenty, abundance, and great achievement. A lot of people have earned a name for themselves yet they live an empty life, lonely in the midst of multitude of friends and fans. Wishing they never had what they have and in their heart wishing to be like those who envy them.
You are fulfilled only when you are able to attend to your needs and not your wants. Those who focus on their wants continues to live in want; and this is the emptiness of life and greatest tragedy the haves face in life. But no one can actually attend to his/her needs without first knowing and understanding what those needs are; so the first point of call is the definition of one’s need. What do you need?
We do not need things, we need each other. We are created to depend on one another in some ways and not to be isolated from one another. We are created to meet other people’s needs and in meeting those needs our needs are met. We are created to contribute not to grab. We are created to add value to humanity not to exploit humanity. We are created to seek how we can help not how we can be helped. We are created to serve not to be served; you are created for others not others for you. We are a creation of love not lust.
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