Frustration is a feeling of being upset or annoyed as a result of being unable to change or achieve something. It is a common emotional response to oppositions and unfulfilled dreams or unresolved problem/challenges; often accompanied by anxiety or depression. Synonyms to frustration are exasperation, annoyance, anger, vexation, irritation, bitterness, resentment, disappointment, discouragement, depression, discontent, and dissatisfaction.
Frustration is a natural response and no one is immune to it; this is a fact everyone must accept, but some has developed skills that help them deal with frustrations such that it appears as if they have immunity to it. Of great importance is management of frustration as failure of it could result to health conditions and social challenges.
There are two basic kinds of frustrations – internal and external and both possess great threat to an individual’s well being. Internal frustration arises from challenges in dealing with fulfillment of personal dreams and desires, dealing with perceived deficiencies, and internal conflicts; it has to do with issues and reasons within an individual’s make up and personal bent. Eternal frustration arises from sources outside an individual; reasons that deal with environment and social.
It is clear that people behave differently, so the response to frustration varies from person to person. Below are a number of ways people respond to frustration: Withdrawal – getting into ones shell and not talking to anyone or quitting an environment, Blaming others without having complete fact, Being aggressive that is behaving in a threatening manner; being violent to others, Taking to self-pity, Apathy that is being irresponsive and disinterested in issues, Anger shown in shout match, and Physical ailment.
Whatever your response is, it is important you deal with frustration earliest as possible because of the obvious health and social effort it comes with. No reaction to frustration is positive, they only prove ones frustration; the only positive response is to deal with it and get over it. So be smart and deal with it fast.
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