Expectation is a strong belief that something will happen or be the outcome. A belief centered in the future and which may or may not be realistic. It is a dream but not a lofty dream; always futuristic. Expectation always points to the future, things that will happen in the future but the action must of necessity be taken in the present for ones expectation to be birthed. Every expectation puts a demand on the expectant. When expectations are birthed without a commensurate action, it becomes a mere lofty dream. Your expectation comes with great responsibility; it must be backed up with action for it to deliver the expected. Expectation is the vehicle but action is the driver; so as a vehicle cannot move without a driver so expectation never delivers without action. Even an auto-drive car needs to be programed for the auto-drive to be possible. Action is also the fuel for expectation. Expectations point to the future. A man of great expectation is a man of great dreams who has a great hope and faith in what the future holds. Hope is the expectation and faith is the responsibility or action. Hope defines the expectation and faith (action) delivers the expectation. Holding a great expectation without a backing action is nothing but a wild goose chase. Once expectations are birthed, there must be a measurable action steps put in place before the expected can become a reality. Many are actually taking action but those steps are not smart action. Expectations must be smart goals for it to deliver. It must be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound. It should not be open ended expectation but time bound since man’s life is timed. Time definition fuels the drive to act. The best time to do what must be done is now; now or it will remain undone. Many have great expectations but very few have great action. Joy is a motivator – Hebrew 12:2
looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God
. Joy must be in your heart for your expectation to be in your hand. With joy your strength is daily renewed to take steps for the realization of the expected.


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