The choices form the decision; Decisions frame the habit, Habits constitutes our character. Life each day presents opportunities for choice to each one and what each one does with these opportunities forms the decision. This decision goes a long way to define who we are. Always life will continue to offer the opportunity for choice, but what one chooses to do with this opportunity is indeed defining. No one is helpless with respect to choice and no one will ever be; the power to choice is what all have though different people exhibit different attitude to this inherit right. What then is choice? Choice is judging the merits of multiple options and selecting one or more of them. Choosing one out of multiple options; it is a right all have and influenced by the information at ones disposal. Information is pivotal to the choices we make; the better one is informed the better the choice he/she makes. Every choice we make has an implication. We are at liberty to make choices but once the choices are made, the choice we have made makes us. You have no choice as to what your choice offers to you. One only makes a choice and the choice chooses for you what happen to you; you are free to make whatever choice you want but you are not free from the consequences of the choice you have made. So there is every need for one to be careful with the choices, There are times when not to make a choice and when choices must be made; it is discretion to strike these boundaries. The worst time to make a choice is when one is emotionally unstable; it could be when you are very happy or when you are very upset. Either case, it is very unsafe to make choice; whatever choice made will obviously leave you with regret. Seek emotional balance; emotionally stable people make the most in choice making. Before making a choice, it is very important that one defines his/her reason for taken to his/her choice. Ask yourself why I am taking the choice. If the reason is for personal gain or immediate gain, check it there will certainly be danger on the way. Much so ensure you have peace about the choice you have taken, any choice you make that leaves you with fear and anxiety is either a wrong choice or choice made in haste.
Avoid selfishness.
Avoid been rash in your choice making. It may lead to regrets. Some choices are better not made than made in error. Clear yourself of anxiety.
Choices that worked in the past may not always work in the future, So avoid using the past to predict the future instead assess each choice on its merit not on the basis that it worked in the past.
Avoid making a choice while under an influence like drug/alcohol, pressure from people.
Avoid making a choice based on pity or sentiments instead make choices based on reasons.


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