1. If your child lies to you, it is because you over-react too harshly to their inappropriate behaviors or mistakes.
2. If your child is not taught to confide in you about their mistakes, then you have lost them (do not express shock at their mistake).
3. If your child had poor self-esteem, it is because you advise them more than you encourage them.
4. If your child does not stand up for themselves, it is because from a young age you have disciplined them regularly in public (discipline is best done in the home front not in the public, do it in-house it has better result).
5. If you child takes things that do not belong to them, it is because when you buy them things, you don’t let them choose what they want.
6. If your child is cowardly, it is because you help them too quickly.
7. If your child does not respect other people’s feelings, it is because instead of speaking to your child, you order and command them.
8. If your child is too quick to anger, it is because you give too much attention to misbehavior and you give little attention to good behavior.
9. If your child is excessively jealous, it is because you only congratulate them when they successfully complete something and not when they improve at something even if they don’t successfully complete it.
10. If your child intentionally disturb you, it is because you are not physically affectionate enough (they are seeking attention)
11. If your child is openly defiant, it is because you openly threaten to do something but don’t follow through (for them you are a toothless bulldog, much talk no action)
12. If your child is secretive, it is because they can’t trust that you won’t blow things out of proportion.
13. If your child talks back to you, it is because they watch you do same to other and thinks that it is a normal behavior.
14. If your child doesn't listen to you but listens to others, it is because you are too quick to make decision.
15. If your child rebels, it is because they know you care more about what others think than what is right or you have not proved your affection to them.
16. If your child steals from you, it is because you failed to make them know that your purse is their purse.


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