LUKE 8:45-46 (NLT) – “Who touched me?” Jesus asked. Everyone denied it, and Peter said, “Master this whole crowd is pressing up against you”.
But Jesus told him, “No someone deliberately touched Me, for I felt healing power go out of Me.
Tapping is an English word and has its meaning and context
in which this word is used. But my use of this word “TAPPING” is not in the
sense and context of its conventional use and as such means entirely something different
from the conventional meaning.
The sense and context in which I use this word here is in
the “Street English Language” which is called Pigin English in Nigeria the
country of my birth and residence.
Tapping is about having unauthorized, unofficial, or illegal
access to something.
I had an experience in the last quarter of 2024, I can’t fix
the exact date. But on this date I worked from home, so I was at home. Some staff
of the power distribution company visited the apartment where I resided and said
they were in the compound to check for energy theft. I asked them to go ahead and
walked away to continue what I was doing. Shortly after power was disconnected
from my apartment and so I went out to find out what was happening, and I was
told they observed an illegal connection, and they needed to investigate
further to know which of the occupant did the tapping of energy. I told them to
go ahead but this time I stayed with them, they checked and said they had
narrowed the culprit to our floor, at this point I became concerned and
surprised at the same; but further check they do show it was my neighbor. In their
words, they said this apartment occupant did energy tapping; a by passed of the
meter. This allowed access to energy without being billed.
Tapping is having unauthorized and deliberate access to
something one considered of value and worth without permission. The woman with
the issue of blood without the consent of Jesus Tapped by faith into His virtue
and received her healing. Someone touched Me was Jesus’ statement and Peter
reminded Jesus that it is not possible you won’t be touched considering the crowd,
but Jesus said it was an energy theft; a deliberate touch of faith and I felt
power go out of Me.
The insistence of Jesus gave an explanation to what this
woman did. When the woman reported herself to Jesus and what she said in her
mind. Jesus told her, “Go your faith has made your whole”. The Tapping was
faith. In same vain you can tap into God’s virtue for the miracle you need, but
faith is the system that enables this tapping.
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