Champion is a winner in a challenge, contest, or a competition. There is no champion without a contest; being a champion presupposes that one has been involved in a contest and proved to be the best among the contenders.
Life is a contest but not primarily a contest with others but a contest with oneself. There has never been a champion who has not first conquered him/herself; the beginning step in championship is to conquer self and once self is conquered, it is easy to conquer in life. There is allowance for all to be champion and no one is born a champion; champions are made.
There are some basics every champion needs.
1. Every champion needs a determination to be a champion. The champion must possess self determination to be a champion.
2. Every champion needs a coach. There is no self-made champion.
3. Every champion needs skill; must be skillful in his/her approach.
4. Every champion must first discover his strength and promote same.
5. Every champion needs courage to face his/her contenders.
6. Every champion needs discipline, it demands a whole lot of discipline to take instructions and keep to rules.
7. Every champion is a good learner.
8. Every champion must be diligent.


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