Wednesday 29 April 2015

What influences your child's personality?

How a child uses his inborn traits — whether those will be strengthened or subdued — will be influenced throughout his childhood by three or four factors:
1. Relationships. Your relationship with your child will have a greater impact on him than that of any other person, so do all you can to nurture him. Also seek to help him develop mutually uplifting relations with siblings, grandparents, friends and others.
2. The way he is educated. Be involved in your child's education to ensure that your child's classroom is suited to his makeup. I'm not suggesting that you ask his teacher to cater to your child but to be sure she recognizes his personality traits, builds up his strengths, and encourages him to overcome weaknesses. In some cases, you may even decide that homeschooling is the best option for you and your child.
3. The environment in which he lives. Make sure your household provides your child a rich environment — and I'm not talking about material trappings. Two children with similar personalities — one of whom isn't appreciated or encouraged and another who is supported while he explores his interests and passions — will respond differently to life.
4. Trauma in early childhood. This last influence may be important to consider if you are raising a child who has been abused or neglected. You may have difficulty separating his innate character traits from those that have evolved out of fear of punishment. One adoptive father noticed his child's compulsion to clean or organize but recognized that his preference for keeping his room neat could either indicate the child's innate love for order or stem from fear. It is possible the child thought that he had been beaten for not keeping his room clean or mistakenly thought neatness would help him be more accepted. Since they were not sure what drove his neatness, this child's adoptive parents were careful not to focus too much praise on that behavior.
In a healthy home, a child's strongest traits generally will follow him from infancy through adulthood. Some kids truly do love to line of up their things in organized ways, from their shoes to their toys! And those strong, innate traits are likely to impact both of you on a daily basis.

Tuesday 28 April 2015


But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. Mathew 23:11

A servant is someone who serves others and it demands a lot of discipline for one to be at the service of others. It is pretty easier and more conventional to have people serve you than it is to serve others. Easier to notice what is not done well than it is to actually do it well, and service is about being involved in doing it well.
I have noticed a desire among people, this desire is often very strong and cuts across sex, ethnicity, race, class, name it. This desire is a desire to be outstanding in a chosen field of endeavor. But only a few of this great multitude that desire this actually stand out; the reason is very obvious, the lack of readiness to pay the supreme price of service, serving the interest of others. The criteria for greatness in life still remain readiness to serve; the servant will forever be the greatest anywhere, anytime.
Someone tried to compare ancient architectural works of Egypt with Israel and in his judgment Israel had a better ancient architectural work than Egypt. The reason may not be far-fetched as Israel served Egypt and in the process of their service was perfecting in the technology the Egyptian taught them. Remember practice makes perfect. For the Egyptians they are punishing the Israelis but in the real sense of it the Israelis were being trained. So there is transference of skill and technology and when the Israelis were leaving to their land, they left with the technology and skill.
In our contemporary time, all the people that made impact and those still breaking new frontier are getting this done on the platform of serving others’ interest; being at the service of others even at no cost attached. The question of how can I add value, what can I do to improve life for humanity, what can I do different, what need(s) can I meet and a lot more questions have defined the life of these people.
There has never been and will never be a great man who is not a great servant. The way up is the way of service to humanity; there must be a need of humanity you are meeting and for which your placement will be defined.
Michael Faraday came to limelight on this platform of selfless service; he opted to serve as personal secretary to Sir Humphrey Davy and under this scientist Faraday’s career blossomed and today has a name in the science world. The Bill Gate of our time was interested on how it can be possible for an average person to own a personal computer and that was how Microsoft emerged and today is a symbol of great success. Mark Zuckerberg the face-book co-founder is a name today but he was not first out to make money but to make people connect to each other and till today face-book account is still free and yet Mark and his men are billionaires in Dollars; they are simply offering service.
So if you are interested in carving a niche for yourself in our world full of opportunities, then the guaranteed path to take is the path of service, serving the interest of others, living your life for others. Can you ask yourself the supreme question HOW CAN I HELP!

Monday 27 April 2015


Thinking is an act or practice of engaging ones’ mind to produce thought; it is being productive in your reasoning thereby forming opinions or judgments that can effect a positive change.

Thinking is often mistaken with worrying or anxiety but there is a whole lot of variation between the two. When faced with challenges, anxiety focuses on the challenge but thinking is looking out for solution to the challenge. Anxiety sees impossibility but thinking sees possibility.

It is a natural expectation of man to think, because man is created a thinking being and has well developed brain. Man has unlimited capacity to reason productively; engaging the brain means engaging your life and making the most of life.

Thinking demands the engagement of both your mind and your brain (head). When the head alone is engaged, it is lofty thinking and lacks capacity to add up to life. Mind and head must be engaged simultaneously for one to be said to be truly involved in an act of thinking.

Man is a product of his thought, for as a man thinks in his heart so is he – Proverb 23:7. Your experience is a product of what formed your thought; when think lack you have lack, you think sickness you become sin but your health you are healthy. So think great thoughts – Philippians 4:8 --- whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy – mediate on these things.


1. Critical thinking - This is convergent thinking. It assesses the worth and validity of something existent. It involves precise, persistent, objective analysis. When teachers try to get several learners to think convergent, they try to help them develop common understanding.

2. Creative thinking - This is divergent thinking. It generates something new or different. It involves having a different idea that works as well or better than previous ideas.

3. Convergent thinking - This type of thinking is cognitive processing of information around a common point, an attempt to bring thoughts from different directions into a union or common conclusion.

4. Divergent thinking - This type of thinking starts from a common point and moves outward into a variety of perspectives.

5. Inductive thinking - This is the process of reasoning from parts to the whole, from examples to generalizations.

Thursday 23 April 2015


Success told as history is nothing but a failure. There are a lot of success stories of yesterday that has no representation of success today; for success not to be told as story there remains need for such success to have a support.
It is important to mention that success is not a dash or sprint but a marathon race; success is an accumulation not an event. So success must be sustained otherwise it becomes a failure and to sustain success, the following pillars are of essence.
PILLAR #1: DISCIPLINE – self-control is a basic requirement for sustainable success. Until you are able to conquer yourself, you cannot truly be successful. Success without self-restrain is failure waiting to happen. You must consciously and willingly put a check on yourself otherwise you will be checked out of your success.
PILLAR #2: ACCOUNTABILITY is accepting personal responsibility for your actions and inaction. Success demands that you take ownership of your action and be ready to face the consequences. Accountability has no place for passing the bulk but takes full responsibility. You must hold yourself accountable and in some situation have others to be accountable to.
PILLAR #3: STANDARDS must be defined and closely followed for success to be sustained. There must be a well defined bench mark and a set goal.
PILLAR #4: SYSTEMS is a key sustainer of success. Success without a system will be short lived. If success must outlive one, then there must be a system in place to sustain the success. There must be a structure or policy which must be consciously put in place and which must not be under mined by any no matter highly placed. Rules must be kept.
In summary, you need discipline to hold yourself accountable to the set standards within the systems for your success to be real.

Tuesday 21 April 2015


The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself. Proverb 11:25

Reflection is the quality of a sound, image, or wave to turn back when it enters a boundary. Once a medium is encountered, the sound, image, or wave returns to its’ source instead of entering the medium; so it is with life always returning to the source. This account for the saying that what goes around comes around.
People that care to leave a legacy know this too well and show this by the way they live. Every action is a seed and will always return in multiplies. Whatever you imagine to get out of life, start making that happen to others and some such reflects back to you. Also whatever you abhor, make every effort never to make anyone go through such experience. What you make happen to others God makes happen to you. life truly is an echo; a repeat of events.

Monday 20 April 2015


1. If your child lies to you, it is because you over-react too harshly to their inappropriate behaviors or mistakes.
2. If your child is not taught to confide in you about their mistakes, then you have lost them (do not express shock at their mistake).
3. If your child had poor self-esteem, it is because you advise them more than you encourage them.
4. If your child does not stand up for themselves, it is because from a young age you have disciplined them regularly in public (discipline is best done in the home front not in the public, do it in-house it has better result).
5. If you child takes things that do not belong to them, it is because when you buy them things, you don’t let them choose what they want.
6. If your child is cowardly, it is because you help them too quickly.
7. If your child does not respect other people’s feelings, it is because instead of speaking to your child, you order and command them.
8. If your child is too quick to anger, it is because you give too much attention to misbehavior and you give little attention to good behavior.
9. If your child is excessively jealous, it is because you only congratulate them when they successfully complete something and not when they improve at something even if they don’t successfully complete it.
10. If your child intentionally disturb you, it is because you are not physically affectionate enough (they are seeking attention)
11. If your child is openly defiant, it is because you openly threaten to do something but don’t follow through (for them you are a toothless bulldog, much talk no action)
12. If your child is secretive, it is because they can’t trust that you won’t blow things out of proportion.
13. If your child talks back to you, it is because they watch you do same to other and thinks that it is a normal behavior.
14. If your child doesn't listen to you but listens to others, it is because you are too quick to make decision.
15. If your child rebels, it is because they know you care more about what others think than what is right or you have not proved your affection to them.
16. If your child steals from you, it is because you failed to make them know that your purse is their purse.


We live in a highly monetized world yet some great things of life are still free; can be accessed without money and as such life can be good without a treasury of riches and wealth.
God created man a social being not a material being. Life is not wired to be materially defined but socially defined; lack of this understanding is the major reason for emptiness and unfulfilled living. A lot have defined their life by the volume of wealth and riches they have accumulated, and have sojourned in an endless journey of seeking fulfillment in life without success.
Hugs, Friends, Smiles, Kisses, Family, Sleep, Love, Laughter, and Good Memories are the good things available for man and they have no price tag; they still remain free and readily available for all who cares for them. You are at the risk of getting the fake in trying to buy them with money; they are naturally meant to go for free because they are gifts of nature (God).

Thursday 16 April 2015


Success is achieving something desired, planned or attempted; having a favorable outcome or result. Success is desired by all but achieved by few; only a few that can pay the price truly succeed.
Success begins with having a task and pushing your task to a defined target. The major reason few actually succeed is because a lot fail to understand or define their task; you cannot push a task not well defined. So success thrives on the pathway of TASK – PUSH – DEFINED TARGET.
TASK is the course you want to achieve, the reason or purpose for your action(s). The goal you want to achieve; until task is well understood it cannot be pushed to a defined target.
1. No one ever succeed by change.
2. Success answers to careful and conscious effort.
3. Diligence is the price tag for success.
4. Success has no respect for nothing but hard work.
5. Success is not cheap.
6. Success demands courage.
7. Success is not absence of failure but tireless effort amidst failure and discouragement.
8. Success in isolation is failure in disguise.
9. Success is a journey not a destination.
10. Wishers never succeed, workers do.
11. Success is not inherited, it is developed.
12. Success celebrated out of proportion is the fastest track to failure.


“He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much;
Who has enjoyed the trust of pure women, the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children;
Who has filled his niche and accomplished his task;
Who has never lacked appreciation of Earth's beauty or failed to express it;
Who has left the world better than he found it,
Whether an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul;
Who has always looked for the best in others and given them the best he had;
Whose life was an inspiration;
Whose memory a benediction.”
by Bessie Anderson Stanley

Wednesday 15 April 2015



Uniqueness is quality of being only one of a kind, particular or peculiar, remarkable, extraordinary. It is that singularity that distinguishes one from all his/her companions; ones individuality and distinctively characteristic. Having no like or equal, unparalleled, incomparable, limited in occurrence or limited to a single outcome or result, without alternative. These are description of uniqueness.
God is the master producer and He produces with uniqueness. God do not engage in mass production but makes each piece with special touch of uniqueness. Every creation of God attests to this truth; same in form but only one in its kind.
You are special and you have no kind because you are God’s product. Fulfillment in life is a function of the understanding and appreciation of ones’ uniqueness.
God creating us with uniqueness intended this for our advantage; He planned that the best in us will show itself in our uniqueness. There are ways to deal with this uniqueness and a few of them are as below:
1. First accept your uniqueness.
2. The best you can be is you. Imitation breeds limitation.
3. Do not compete with others b/c you are particular.
4. Celebrate your uniqueness.

Monday 13 April 2015


Champion is a winner in a challenge, contest, or a competition. There is no champion without a contest; being a champion presupposes that one has been involved in a contest and proved to be the best among the contenders.
Life is a contest but not primarily a contest with others but a contest with oneself. There has never been a champion who has not first conquered him/herself; the beginning step in championship is to conquer self and once self is conquered, it is easy to conquer in life. There is allowance for all to be champion and no one is born a champion; champions are made.
There are some basics every champion needs.
1. Every champion needs a determination to be a champion. The champion must possess self determination to be a champion.
2. Every champion needs a coach. There is no self-made champion.
3. Every champion needs skill; must be skillful in his/her approach.
4. Every champion must first discover his strength and promote same.
5. Every champion needs courage to face his/her contenders.
6. Every champion needs discipline, it demands a whole lot of discipline to take instructions and keep to rules.
7. Every champion is a good learner.
8. Every champion must be diligent.

Friday 10 April 2015



Every standing structure has a pillar upon which it is standing; nothing stands on itself without a base or support system in place. The pillars of accountability are about what makes accountability possible, as accountability cannot be in isolation. A mere personal resolve alone do not guarantee accountability because it has a great demand, only a personal resolve backed by the four pillars can guarantee for accountability. There is a part of man’s nature that renounces evil, yet there is a part that gives in so easily to evil. There is a force, an internal conflict that personal resolution without skill cannot handle; so the need for the understanding of the pillars of accountability. You must sign in for these pillars before you can truly be accountable.
PILLAR #1 - RESPONSIBILITY is the first point of call in the school of accountability. One must be ready to take responsibility before he/she can boldly say he/she is ready for accountability. You must understand that you have a duty to deal with; a duty binding on you. Those that have this understanding do not leave anything to chance, they work towards making their goal come through; there is ownership not our duty but my duty is their language.
PILLAR #2 – ANSWERABILITY is the readiness to submit oneself to count. You do not wait for accountability to be demanded of you but very much forward for it. In the course of their duty, they have the consciousness that I will be called to account and so everything they do answerability reflects. I see people use power to intimidate others because they do not think of answerability; rights and privileges are never absolute. People manipulate figures in their accounting because they begin to think of accounting when they are demanded to account; it was not part of them before. Answerability tells you ‘you are the servant not the master’
PILLAR #3 – TRUSTWORTHINESS is proving yourself to be trusted; you worth the trust of the people. It is important to mention in this discussion that trust is earned. Do not waste your energy asking people to trust you instead prove to them you worth their trust. Also trust is built, it is not inherited; it is built by integrity. No one will trust you if your integrity is in question. It is a risk trusting people so people are careful with taking such risk. Trustworthiness says serve the people not yourself.
PILLAR #4 – LIABILITY is readiness to face the consequences of ones’ action; being bounded to an obligation. How prepared are you to take blame and rebuke for your errors and take correction is one of the support system for accountability.

Thursday 9 April 2015



Accountability is the obligation of an individual or organization to account for its activities, accept responsibility for them, and to disclose the result in a transparent manner ( Accountability is an obligation; duty bond which could be externally imposed or personally imposed by an individual to account for its actions or activities. It demands accepting responsibility for actions or inaction and being ready to make public the commendation or rebuke in a transparent manner. One is not accountability until he/she is ready to take blames for his failures and applause for his success. The trend I have seen very common is people’s readiness to make public their success while keeping away their failures; this is not real accountability in real sense of it. There must be transparency in times of both success and failure. External accountability is when a system is putting this demand on you, for some if the system is not in place they will have no check. But there is yet an internal or self-imposed accountability; it is based on personal resolve to hold oneself accountable, this demands a lot of discipline. I have seen many people go this way but never travel long on path and off they go. Accountability is responsibility that goes with authority; the responsibility is to use the authority justifiably and credibly. Authority without accountability is tyranny. Real accountability has a trend or path it must take; this path is Freedom- Courage- Courage – Accountability. There must be the liberty to make a choice, the courage to make the right choice even in the face of contention, and a commitment to act right; for choosing right and acting wrongly is as worse as choosing wrongly. These are the make ups for accountability. PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTABILITY Accountability has principles and these include Transparency (openness), Participation (involvement), Response (action), and Reflection & Deliberation (assessment of your actions or in-actions).



According to Wikipedia ”Parenting (or child rearing) is a process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, financial, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood”. For me I believe that parenting is a full time task and all involving. To make progress in parenting, parents must consciously take steps and make decisions that will guarantee real success. There are some basic requirements for an effective parenting; these requirements are the essentials of parenting. No doubt parenting requires some basic skills.
ESSENTIALS #1: Know that every child is unique – Children are God’s creation, God in the nature of His creation do not mass produce; the children are of same parents but different creature. Every child is a one of its kind and not one of their kinds.
ESSENTIAL #2: Make effort to understand their uniqueness. This is a task every parent must face; until their uniqueness is well appreciated, no progress is possible in parenting. Spend time and mental resources to understand each child as an individual.
ESSENTIAL #3: Accept their uniqueness. Once this uniqueness is discovered, learn to live with it and do not be preoccupied with changing this uniqueness.
ESSENTIAL #4: Deal with each child according to their uniqueness.
ESSENTIAL #5: Never compare any child to others. The error of comparison is that you end up matching strength with weakness. The child cannot be any other but him/herself.

Wednesday 8 April 2015


The choices form the decision; Decisions frame the habit, Habits constitutes our character. Life each day presents opportunities for choice to each one and what each one does with these opportunities forms the decision. This decision goes a long way to define who we are. Always life will continue to offer the opportunity for choice, but what one chooses to do with this opportunity is indeed defining. No one is helpless with respect to choice and no one will ever be; the power to choice is what all have though different people exhibit different attitude to this inherit right. What then is choice? Choice is judging the merits of multiple options and selecting one or more of them. Choosing one out of multiple options; it is a right all have and influenced by the information at ones disposal. Information is pivotal to the choices we make; the better one is informed the better the choice he/she makes. Every choice we make has an implication. We are at liberty to make choices but once the choices are made, the choice we have made makes us. You have no choice as to what your choice offers to you. One only makes a choice and the choice chooses for you what happen to you; you are free to make whatever choice you want but you are not free from the consequences of the choice you have made. So there is every need for one to be careful with the choices, There are times when not to make a choice and when choices must be made; it is discretion to strike these boundaries. The worst time to make a choice is when one is emotionally unstable; it could be when you are very happy or when you are very upset. Either case, it is very unsafe to make choice; whatever choice made will obviously leave you with regret. Seek emotional balance; emotionally stable people make the most in choice making. Before making a choice, it is very important that one defines his/her reason for taken to his/her choice. Ask yourself why I am taking the choice. If the reason is for personal gain or immediate gain, check it there will certainly be danger on the way. Much so ensure you have peace about the choice you have taken, any choice you make that leaves you with fear and anxiety is either a wrong choice or choice made in haste.
Avoid selfishness.
Avoid been rash in your choice making. It may lead to regrets. Some choices are better not made than made in error. Clear yourself of anxiety.
Choices that worked in the past may not always work in the future, So avoid using the past to predict the future instead assess each choice on its merit not on the basis that it worked in the past.
Avoid making a choice while under an influence like drug/alcohol, pressure from people.
Avoid making a choice based on pity or sentiments instead make choices based on reasons.

Tuesday 7 April 2015


In life, what one looks out for is what he/she finds. Going out for right things means right living. Do not look for someone that loves what you love, but look out for someone who loves you. Do not look for someone who is into what you love but look out for someone who is into you. This is a secret to successful relationship in life.


The greatest tragedy of life is the inability to differ between wants and needs. If only man can understand the difference between what their wants are from what their needs are, major stress and crisis in life would not be there. Many are what men want to have and possess but few are what they need to have and possess. This inability to differ in between want and need explains why many are sad, unhappy, and unfulfilled in the midst of plenty, abundance, and great achievement. A lot of people have earned a name for themselves yet they live an empty life, lonely in the midst of multitude of friends and fans. Wishing they never had what they have and in their heart wishing to be like those who envy them. You are fulfilled only when you are able to attend to your needs and not your wants. Those who focus on their wants continues to live in want; and this is the emptiness of life and greatest tragedy the haves face in life. But no one can actually attend to his/her needs without first knowing and understanding what those needs are; so the first point of call is the definition of one’s need. What do you need? We do not need things, we need each other. We are created to depend on one another in some ways and not to be isolated from one another. We are created to meet other people’s needs and in meeting those needs our needs are met. We are created to contribute not to grab. We are created to add value to humanity not to exploit humanity. We are created to seek how we can help not how we can be helped. We are created to serve not to be served; you are created for others not others for you. We are a creation of love not lust.

Saturday 4 April 2015


Expectation is a strong belief that something will happen or be the outcome. A belief centered in the future and which may or may not be realistic. It is a dream but not a lofty dream; always futuristic. Expectation always points to the future, things that will happen in the future but the action must of necessity be taken in the present for ones expectation to be birthed. Every expectation puts a demand on the expectant. When expectations are birthed without a commensurate action, it becomes a mere lofty dream. Your expectation comes with great responsibility; it must be backed up with action for it to deliver the expected. Expectation is the vehicle but action is the driver; so as a vehicle cannot move without a driver so expectation never delivers without action. Even an auto-drive car needs to be programed for the auto-drive to be possible. Action is also the fuel for expectation. Expectations point to the future. A man of great expectation is a man of great dreams who has a great hope and faith in what the future holds. Hope is the expectation and faith is the responsibility or action. Hope defines the expectation and faith (action) delivers the expectation. Holding a great expectation without a backing action is nothing but a wild goose chase. Once expectations are birthed, there must be a measurable action steps put in place before the expected can become a reality. Many are actually taking action but those steps are not smart action. Expectations must be smart goals for it to deliver. It must be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound. It should not be open ended expectation but time bound since man’s life is timed. Time definition fuels the drive to act. The best time to do what must be done is now; now or it will remain undone. Many have great expectations but very few have great action. Joy is a motivator – Hebrew 12:2
looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God
. Joy must be in your heart for your expectation to be in your hand. With joy your strength is daily renewed to take steps for the realization of the expected.

Thursday 2 April 2015


You can’t avoid frustration but you can overcome them. What makes the smart is they ability to deal with frustration and overcome them. Frustration is overcome able and you can overcome it but you require knowledge to overcome frustration. You must know what to do in the face of frustration otherwise you become a victim but I know that won’t be you.
Below are some steps to take to deal with frustration:
Learn and note what triggers your frustration and avoid them or prepare for them where it is impossible to avoid.
Be careful about your expectation of others.
Don’t have a high expectation of others, know that your behavior is not a yardstick for others to live by; it is not in your place to set standard. So do not live other people’s life for them.
There is a saying that problem shared is half solved, so develop the habit of sharing your frustration with others by discussing it.
Find people that are supportive; who will be patient enough to listen and hear you out without being judgmental or start offering solution when you are not done boring your mind. When allowed to speak out your frustration, it is like opening a corked bottle, pressure is diffused.
Keep track of your accomplishments. Frustration is often accompanied by a feeling of unfulfilled dream, and frustrated people fail to have a realistic view of their accomplishment. They are quick to see what they have not done well and same time blinded to what they have done well; help yourself out, keep log of what has worked fine. Seek options.
For whatever task you are engaged in and in which you are not making progress, there are other tasks you can make progress in; so seek other options and do something difference. Don’t stick to one thing you are doing that is getting you frustrated.
Learn to hold your breath when you are very upset.
Save yourself the blame. Accept the reality and stop saying I wish this do not happen. It has happened it has happen, you can’t undo it.


Frustration is a feeling of being upset or annoyed as a result of being unable to change or achieve something. It is a common emotional response to oppositions and unfulfilled dreams or unresolved problem/challenges; often accompanied by anxiety or depression. Synonyms to frustration are exasperation, annoyance, anger, vexation, irritation, bitterness, resentment, disappointment, discouragement, depression, discontent, and dissatisfaction. Frustration is a natural response and no one is immune to it; this is a fact everyone must accept, but some has developed skills that help them deal with frustrations such that it appears as if they have immunity to it. Of great importance is management of frustration as failure of it could result to health conditions and social challenges. There are two basic kinds of frustrations – internal and external and both possess great threat to an individual’s well being. Internal frustration arises from challenges in dealing with fulfillment of personal dreams and desires, dealing with perceived deficiencies, and internal conflicts; it has to do with issues and reasons within an individual’s make up and personal bent. Eternal frustration arises from sources outside an individual; reasons that deal with environment and social. It is clear that people behave differently, so the response to frustration varies from person to person. Below are a number of ways people respond to frustration: Withdrawal – getting into ones shell and not talking to anyone or quitting an environment, Blaming others without having complete fact, Being aggressive that is behaving in a threatening manner; being violent to others, Taking to self-pity, Apathy that is being irresponsive and disinterested in issues, Anger shown in shout match, and Physical ailment. Whatever your response is, it is important you deal with frustration earliest as possible because of the obvious health and social effort it comes with. No reaction to frustration is positive, they only prove ones frustration; the only positive response is to deal with it and get over it. So be smart and deal with it fast.

Wednesday 1 April 2015


Two-third majority is a political principle requiring that two thirds rather than a simple majority of the members of a politically organized group must concur in order to exercise the power to make decisions binding upon the whole group. It is considered to be a fairer arrangement than simply majority. Two-third majority could apply in practical life issues other than political group. My consideration in this write up is way out of political but life decisions and challenges. In my context of discussion am looking at three entities as constituting my group out of which the two-third is considered; the entities are: you who is reading this write up, your life challenges, and God. The voting process am looking at here is one that cannot be rigged as the one in charge is incorruptible and has proven to be the good judge. The process is free from infiltration of any sort may be because only three persons or entities are involved; so the figure is very easy to manage. Friend, it is interesting to know as well that two out of the three votes are decided, only one vote is undecided and the undecided vote is your own vote. Your success depends on this two-third majority vote; and it all depends on your own vote which is the undecided vote. The challenges of life will always be against you and never be favorable. This informs my saying that the vote is decided, it is naturally decided against you, but that is not just all. A vote is decided in your favor and this vote is God’s vote, He will always stand for you so long as you stand with Him. So there is one vote each apart and only one vote defines the two-third majority and determines the winner. God is for you and interested in your success but the challenges are against you and can never cast its vote in your favor. The defining vote is your own vote. This is why it is said that no one can stop you but you. What one has chosen to do with his/her vote defines such person’s failure or success in life. It is very unfortunate that many are casting the only undecided vote against themselves. Many consciously or unconsciously do that through the action they take or fail to take. Your success is in your hands because God is not against anyone who is not against Him. Take action and make the most of your vote to secure the two-third majority required for your success. Away from excuses, away from explanations, and away from blaming your challenger that can never be for you and face life with great courage, resilience, and determination. See your dreams come through.