Friday 16 September 2016

How to Live

Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live. 1Thes. 5:16-18

Christians are followers of Christ, those who have made a personal choice to pattern their lives after the life of Christ. Jesus has become a model and a mode they each day live to conform to. As they live the life, you grow unto coming like Him in words, thoughts, and deeds.
Situations and circumstances of life do not in any way define their life but Jesus do. Nothing is worth stealing their attention for that is the real reason devil brings trying moments the way of believers. The tempter is an attention seeker and he attacks things of interest to win this attention.
Cheerfulness and an attitude of thanksgiving makes it difficult for anything other than Christ to win our attention and that is why giving of thanks is the way God wants you who belong to Christ to live. When your finance is under attack, your finance is not the real object but your attention, or it could be your children but your attention is what the tempter is seeking to win.

Thursday 25 August 2016

How to Move On Without an Apology?

Sometimes you want to forgive, but resentments still linger. These steps will help you overcome the barriers to reconciliation.

1. Everybody has a good side. "True forgiveness is when you can say, "Thank you for that experience." - Oprah Winfrey. Focus on the positive qualities of the person who has offended you. See how in the past they may have added value to you. Stay in the energy of gratitude for what they have done for you and you'll eventually start to cherish them for real once again.

2. Accept your contribution. In all likelihood, you probably played some part in the conflict. Acknowledge your actions and figure out how to make positive changes.

3. Look at it from their point of view. When someone fails to apologize, it usually has more to do with them than with you. They may feel ashamed or vulnerable. When you think about their pain, you may feel like you have more in common.

4. Resist all-or-nothing thinking. Distinguish between the human being and their actions. An action may be wrong but that doesn't make the whole human being wrong. If someone criticizes you unfairly, list the things you still like about him / her.

5. Release the negative energy. Venting your feelings in a diary or an imaginary letter helps to sort things out. You can express yourself freely without worrying about widening the divide. Write the letter and burn it to release the energy from your body onto the paper and eventually into the other. Works like magic every single time!

6. Reach out. If someone close to you has trouble apologizing, you may need to make an extra effort. Let them see how you apologize and take responsibility for your actions so they can discover more options.

7. Feel free to define your boundaries. On the other hand, you may decide to limit contact if the relationship is dragging you down. You can still have affection and respect for someone but you may need to keep them at a distance at least temporarily.

8. Nurture good feelings. The more secure you feel, the easier it is to focus on helping others rather than judging them. You'll understand that your future depends on your choices rather than real or imagined insults.

Forgiveness allows you to let go of the past and free yourself from anger and resentment. It's a decision you can make on your own regardless of whether others apologize or show little remorse. And lastly, always remember -"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - Mahatma Gandhi


Sunday 14 August 2016

How To Move On When You're Hurt.

Have you ever been hurt? Have you ever waited for an apology that never came? Have you ever felt that someone needed to say "sorry" to you but they didn't do it? Let's say a friend throws a party without inviting you, or a co-worker misses a deadline that's crucial for your favorite project or your partner / spouse really hurts you. You may be gracious enough to forgive if you receive a sincere apology, but what happens if the other person refuses to say the words you long to hear?

Author Robert Brault says, "Life becomes easier when you learn to accept an apology you never got." Now, it sounds like an awesome idea doesn't it? But the question is how to make the first move?

One of the things that has personally helped me a lot in situations like this is to always remind myself that the advantages of forgiveness are the same whether the other person apologizes or not. Think of pardoning others as something you do for yourself rather than for them.

1. Drop the resentment - "Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies." - Nelson Mandela. Grudges are like a heavy weight on our being. When you release your anger and disappointment, you'll free up energy that you can devote to the things you love.

2. Be Generous - Each of us makes mistakes don't we? But unfortunately, we often judge others on their actions and judge ourselves on our intentions. When you give someone a second chance, remember that you'll probably need one yourself someday.

3. Value your relationships. Family and friends are precious. Develop connections that can withstand conflicts. Resolving your disagreements can even draw you closer together when you cooperate on finding solutions.

4. Take control of your feelings. You're in charge of your own happiness. Focus on something that gives you happiness and joy instead of checking your phone to see if your partner/spouse apologized yet. "Letting go gives us freedom and freedom is the only condition for happiness." -Thich Nhat Hanh

5. Let It Go. "Forgiveness is not an occasional act, it is a constant attitude." - Martin Luther King Jr. Most of all, a loving and forgiving heart is good for your own mental and physical health.


Monday 13 June 2016

You Live by Living Not by Feeling to Live

Life is lived by living it and never by feeling to live it. I didn’t do this because I do not feel like doing it is an expression you keep hearing people make to explain their failure to face life and make the most of it.
Greatness does not come by feeling like it but by taking action towards it. Those who would want to feel like it will always loose the opportunity of becoming it. Wanting to feel like it is nothing but self-inflicted failure; life is action not feelings. The path to success is the path of thought backed up with action.
It demands accountability to do things you do not feel like doing which are essential to living the life you must live. Accountability requires that you grew deaf ears to your feeling like taking action; you’re feeling like it does not drive you. Those who has challenges accounting for the opportunities that life throw at them will always have plenty challenges accounting for other resources at their disposal, money inclusive.
Never wait to feel like it, step out and act it for life is not a feeling but an action.

Thursday 9 June 2016

There are two sides to every story

Please read through this short story, it will change you.

“My boss drove a luxury car everyday and it was my duty to greet him and to open the gates for him, as I worked as a watchman in his villa. But he never responded back to my greetings.

One day he saw me opening the garbage bags outside the villa in search for any leftover food. But, as usual he never even looked at me, it was like as if he never saw anything!

The very next day I saw a paper bag at the same place, but it was clean and the food inside was covered well. It was fresh and good food like someone had just brought it from the supermarket. I didn't bother as to where it came from, I just took the paper bag and I was so happy about it.

Every day I found this paper bag at the same place with fresh vegetables and all that we needed for home. This became my daily routine. I was eating and sharing this food with my wife and kids. I was wondering who this fool could be?! To forget his paper bag full of fresh food everyday.

One day there was a big problem in the villa and I was told that my boss has died. There were too many guests coming to the villa that day and I didn't get any food that day, so I thought that one of the guests must have taken it. But the same thing happened the 2nd day, the 3rd day and the 4th day.

It went on like this for a few weeks and I found it difficult to provide food for my family, so I decided to ask the wife of my boss for a raise in my salary or else I would quit my job as a watchman.

After I told her, she was shocked, and asked me, how come you never complained about your salary for the last 2 years? And why is this salary not enough for you now? I gave her so many excuses but she was never convinced!

Finally in the end, I decided to tell her the truth, I told her the entire story of the bag of groceries, and as to how it was my daily provision. She then asked me as to when this stopped? I told her after the death of her husband. And then I realized that I stopped seeing the paper bag immediately after the death of my boss. Why didn't I ever think of this before? That it was my boss who was providing this for me? I guess it was because I never thought that a person who never replied to my greetings could ever be this generous!

His wife started to cry and I told her to please stop crying and that I'm really sorry that I asked for a raise, I didn't know that it was your husband who was providing me with the meals, I’ll remain as a watchman and be happy to provide my service.

His wife told me, I'm crying because I've finally found the 7th person my husband was giving this bag full of food. I knew my husband was giving 7 people everyday, I had already found the 6 people, and all these days I was searching for the 7th person. And today I found out.

From that day onwards, I started to receive the bag full of food again, but this time his son was bringing it to my house and giving it to my hand. But whenever I thanked him, he never replied! Just like his dad!

One day, I told him THANK YOU in a very loud voice! He replied back to me to please not be offended when he doesn't reply, because he has a hearing problem, just like his dad!”

Oh! We have been wrong so many times judging others without knowing the true story behind their actions. Be kind and courteous in dealing with others, for everyone is fighting a hard battle. Be careful, not everything is about you. Before you assume, there is this thing called ASKING.

Don’t just jump to conclusion, because that is truly not an exercise, it may cause you more harm at the end of the day. Many of our problems are caused by how we process what happens around us. Don’t judge a situation you have never been in. Be humble enough to learn. You do not know it all.

Lets change the way we feel about ourselves and others. There are two sides to a story. Don’t believe everything you hear.

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.


Attitude is a predisposition or a tendency to respond positively or negatively towards a certain idea, object, person, or situation. Attitude influences an individual's choice of action, and responses to challenges, incentives, and rewards (together called stimuli or impulse).
Ones’ attitude defines who he or she is, attitude is you in your loose state, the natural you. It is common to see people behave in certain way different from who they really are because of conscious check they put themselves to; that’s not you but the controlled you – a fake version, improved you or make believe version of you.
With consistent checks on oneself, one can improve on or change his/her attitude entirely for the best; so training is the refinery/furnace for attitude. A changed attitude is a changed life. We are born blank but have more affinity to negatives which corrupts and contaminate our attitude; which if not checked early as they show up in our behavioral profile develops to become our identity. This explains why early development in any child is so vital to whom the child grows up to become; the environment and the influence around the child is a big factor for consideration. Sometimes it may take an entire life time to unlearn the wrong things we grow up with as kids, at some loose moment you see them manifest.
Four major components of attitude are
(1) Affective: emotions or feelings.
(2) Cognitive: belief or opinions held consciously.
(3) Conative: inclination for action.
(4) Evaluative: positive or negative response to stimuli.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Jack Ma's Top 10 Rules For Success

The Puzzle

A puzzle is a game, problem, or toy that tests a person's ingenuity or knowledge. In a puzzle, one is required to put pieces together in a logical way, in order to arrive at the correct solution of the puzzle. There are different types of puzzles for different ages, such as crossword puzzles, word-search puzzles, number puzzles, or logic puzzles.
Puzzles are often devised as a form of entertainment but they can also arise from serious mathematical or logistical problems. In such cases, their solution may be a significant contribution to mathematical research.
Solutions of puzzles often require the recognition of patterns and the creation of a particular kind of order. Sometimes not because of how complicated and diagonal the pattern can get. People with a high level of inductive reasoning aptitude may be better at solving such puzzles than others. But puzzles based upon inquiry and discovery may be solved more easily by those with good deduction skills. Deductive reasoning improves with practice.
For anyone to succeed in putting a puzzle together, such one must have all the pieces that make up the puzzle. This is a basic and no matter ones skill in solving puzzles without having the whole pieces it becomes impossible to solve. Let’s see the piece below:
A piece of life with no meaning
A piece of soul with no body
A piece of body with no conscience
A piece of brightness without darkness
A piece of why with no answer
Too much questions and no many answers
This is God’s puzzle and He puts it together but you must give Him the pieces.

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Steve Jobs's Top 10 Rules For Success

Bill Gates's Top 10 Rules For Success (@BillGates)

Mark Zuckerberg's Top 10 Rules For Success

You Being a Man, Makes Yourself God

The Jews on countless number of times would accuse Jesus of blasphemy; we know Mary your mother and Joseph the carpenter who is your father but you won’t stop hoax that God is your father. They had great difficult times with Jesus, but Jesus will not have Himself intimidated by any. He continues to declare who He is; the Son of God. The Jews won’t stop their accusation of blasphemy but Jesus would as well never give up declaring who He was. You need no ones’ approval to defend your identity, if you fail to defend it you lose it.
It is ones’ responsibility to understand who he/she is and stand on that without allowing anyone or people negotiate him/her away from that. You lose your person and identity the moment you allow people talk you away from who you are. Real success begins with identity. It takes a knowledge of who you are, to maintain your stand otherwise once the pressure comes it pushes you to who you are not. The best of you is only possible standing on who you are. Jesus has this knowledge and is fully persuaded of that and so could whether all the pressure to back down.
Jesus said He is the Son of God, this contradicted the knowledge the Jews has about Him, they know Him as the son of Joseph the carpenter, they also know His siblings and could not understand why this confused man lay claim to God being His Father. Also the Jews have an understanding of the implication of son-ship; if they accept Jesus to be the son of God, then they are in effect saying that He is God.
The deity of Christ is the real contention; the Jews will rather have Jesus stoned to death than to accept the truth of Him being the Son of God. The miracles of Jesus were approved by them but not His deity. Your good works we can accept but you making yourself equal to God we will never tolerate by any standard. The equality of father and son is what the Jews know too well. Whoever you are a son to, you equals to; so son of God is God, son of man is man, and son of lion is lion. It is a natural law that nothing invalidates; so whose son are you?

Monday 6 June 2016


But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’ Genesis 3:3
Lack of understanding of the laws and instructions of God is what I consider as one of the reasons people violet such laws and commandments. This lack shows it’s in poor interpretation of the instructions and thereafter failure to comply with them.
If only man could have a good understanding, surely obedience will be easy to come by for the instructions of God are mainly for the good and benefit of Man. How do I mean? God gives instruction to help man out of his difficulties in life not to put man in more difficulties. God’s instruction is not a burden.
When God told Adam and his wife Eve not to eat the fruit in the middle of the garden less they die, they could not understand what death God was talking about. Eve ate the fruit and was alive to offer same to the husband Adam, she didn’t die and for her God was only making a threat and never mean death. But little did she and her husband realize that God meant spiritual death not physical.
The moment Adam and Eve were done with eating the forbidden fruit, God’s Spirit in them died, the God in them died. Man created a spirit being was reduced to human being; the flesh began to dominate the spirit and such communication with God who is a Spirit became a challenge and as such when God appeared, Adam and Eve began to run. Fear took the place of boldness and courage. If only Adam and Eve had known that God was actually referring to spiritual death, may be they would not have fall prey to the lies of the devil.
This trend has not stopped, men are still been preyed today because of ignorance to the instructions of God. Men still have false interpretation of the laws and instruction of God and continued to hold unto these false understanding. But the truth forever remains that God’s standard stands and no man can compromise it nor is God Himself going to compromise it for the sake of any man. So wisdom demands that everyone seeks good understanding of God instruction and strive to keep them. Those that break the laws will always have a disjointed destiny but for those who keep them glorious destiny remains theirs.

Tuesday 31 May 2016

Perfecting Factor

God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us. Hebrew 11:40

Over times and years, God has continued to deal with men. Many have walked with Him and the records of their walk are examples for people of today to follow. Men like Abel, Enoch, Abraham the friend of God and father of faith, Moses the great leader of the people and prophet of God, Rehab, David the man after God’s heart, Gideon the mighty man of valor, Samson the man of strength, and Samuel the great prophet and leader of all time. The bible has a record of their great exploits wrought by them with the instrument of their faith, they subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouth of loins, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong and put the army of the enemies at flight.
These are a chronicle of exploits and great courage; yet the record has it that these men could not attain perfection, had good report but received not the promise. They broke records ever set yet could not attain perfection no wonder the bible said that the greatest of them is less than John the Baptist who is the least in the kingdom of God.
These men without us could not be made perfect, so we are their perfection. We brought perfection into the exploits their wrought, we are the perfecting factor. The New Testament believers are the perfecting factor, the mark up factor to attaining perfection. What a grace and blessing.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

A Hope and A Future

I say this because I know the plans that I have for you.” This message is from the LORD. “I have good plans for you. I don’t plan to hurt you. I plan to give you hope and a good future. Jeremiah 29:11

A good future is what every sane person looks up to as long as he/she has the privilege of life. All men in all nations, people, and race desire a great and good future, though not all work for this future. We all wish ourselves well but not all experience wellness because wishes are not horses otherwise all would ride on horse.
Good future is a promise which God has made to us all and it is available for all to experience and enjoy but all will never do. There are demands for a great future promised us by God. Everyone that must experience a good future must have HOPE.
What is HOPE?
1. Hope is an expectation of a positive outcome.
2. Hope is an optimistic attitude of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes related to events and circumstances in one's life.
3. Hope is the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best.
Life is full of possibilities but can only be seen with an eye of hope. Until you put on the spectacle of hope life continues to be nothing else but a burden to carry and a yoke to bear. Life is only meaningless to a hopeless man but to a man full of hope, life is an adventure and an opportunity for growth and progress.
Hope is a life enhancer. A man of hope has much value for life. Only the hopeless considers taking their life because hopelessness makes one a coward. It’s only men who are scared of living that seek to shorten their life, but the hopeful sees reason to live in each day.
God has given a hope and a good future but until one embraces hope; he can’t see a future ahead of him. What you can see is what fuels your hope and drives you to the prepared good future.

Thursday 12 May 2016


A marriage celebrates a new beginning:
A couple starting out as man and wife
The last day of a man's single life
The wide world with a narrows to a garden
In which he will plant his pleasures and reap

The outlines of his character hardens
According to the promises he must keep
His joy becomes a melody
In counterpoint to those for whom he care

Seeking a profounder harmony
Than any he alone could know or bear
So shall he find a greater grace within
One life is over: Let the new begin!

Thursday 5 May 2016

Open Wound

Wound is an injury in which the skin, tissue, or an organ is broken by some external force. One common thing with wounds is that they bleed and cause pains; the earnest heart cry of anyone injured is to see healing take place. Always accompanying healing of wound is succor and relief of pains and agony.
But as long as a wound remains open, the healing is yet perfected, it may have started but it’s yet to fully take place. An open wound becomes a weak part of the body and a possible point of entry for infection and as such healing of wound becomes essential in keeping a healthy body. Open wound hurts.
The body system has a self-healing ability; biological science reveals that the white blood cell does this healing function for the body. Healing of wound is a process that involves many stages but until bleeding stops effective healing is yet to commence.
There is an open wound that is not meant to be healed, having it remain open makes one a better person than having it healed. God wants it open so make all effort to have it open and this open wound is called your CONSCIENCE (the sense of what is right and wrong that governs somebody's thoughts and actions, urging him or her to do right rather than wrong). One becomes almost an animal when he/she allows his/her conscience to heal. The more this open wound – the conscience is allowed to heal the worst ones sense of right and wrong is badly affected. You see people do things that are unbecoming and their conscience do not hurt them because it has healed. A hurting conscience is a healthy conscience; men without a hurting conscience hurt everyone around them.
Please leave it open and never dress it or wish it to heal. You are better off with this open wound.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Safety and Protection

Safety of life and protection of properties is basic need of humanity and a responsibility every government and heads of government is expected to shoulder. In modern democracy, heads of government swore to an oath to protect properties of its citizen and ensure the safety of all citizens. A perception held about safety and protection of life defines how such a country becomes a destination for tourist and investors. Nations with strong perception of safety and protection are considered a safe haven and the implication is that crime rate is minimal in such nations.
What is safety? It is a state of being safe, the condition of being protected from harm and other undesirable outcome or happenings. In a safe environment, security is never a concern and crime incidence very minimal or non-occurring.
The fact remains that no government can guarantee total safety and protection of citizen but many governments have succeeded in stemming down crime rate through deployment of technologies. The value attached to human life defines the commitment to safety of life and protection of properties and those with strong value for life make so much investment to secure life but those with little value do less or nothing to safe guard life and property.
God is much interested in safety and protection of life, all across the pages of the Bible are proves to this and obedience to God law is a guarantee to safety and protection. How do I know?

1 Peter 3:13-And who is he who will harm you if you become followers of what is good?

Do being follower of that which is good seem like obedience? You will believe it is much so, make a choice to follower of that which is good.
Obedience makes one God’s treasure and treasures are guarded with jealousy and kept in most secured place. Nations that treasure its citizen invest much to guarantee safety and protection of life.

Exodus 19:5 - Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine.

You are kept beyond the reach of all attackers by your obedience to God’s commandments. So your safety and protection is in your hand; take your stand and be protected from all harms.

Monday 18 April 2016

Mom Dad is special.

Mom Dad, you are special gift to us.
The first proof of God’s faithfulness we knew.
We never asked for you but God gave you to us.
You are special gift we will always love to have.

Mom Dad, you are skillful artists and we plain papers in your hands.
God expected of you to make out of us beautiful images.
Trace out the hidden virtues in us,
So we may become the Angels, the Champions, and the Eagles He has created us to be.

Mom Dad, you are diligent farmers and we your field.
With you diggers and hoes, you can do great things in us.
You break the fallow areas in us to plant good seeds.
You tirelessly labor to nurture growth in us, you are very special.

Mom Dad, you are a purposeful harvester and we the yield.
You thresh us to do away with chaffs in us.
You sheave us to refine us and bring out the best in us.
You keep awake working to preserve us; you are special and the best.

Mom Dad, you are the first head teacher we knew.
You never fail to discipline us when we faultier.
In love you’ve taught us how to live our lives; what we should do not what we want to do.
You always remind us of who we’re created by God to be: Angels, Champions, and Eagles, you are a gift.


Thursday 14 April 2016

Arrogance and Confidence

Arrogance is the act or habit of arrogating, or making undue claims in an overbearing manner; that species of pride which consists in exorbitant claims of rank, dignity, estimation, or power, or which exalts the worth or importance of the person to an undue degree; proud contempt of others
Confidence is generally described as a state of being certain either that a hypothesis or prediction is correct or that a chosen course of action is the best or most effective. Self-confidence is having confidence in one's self.
The descriptions above are from Wikipedia.
In everyday life, confident people are often mistaken as arrogant people and same way arrogant people think there are confident. Most time people become unconsciously arrogant, they never plan to but they are already. The fact remains that you may not always have the privilege to explain your action and as such the task of putting check lies on us individually. Personally watch yourself less the arrogance in you manifests in the place of confidence. We shall look at a few checks below.
Arrogance vs Confidence.
1. Arrogance is a comparison, Confidence is not. When you catch yourself comparing yourself with another person, watch it arrogance is creeping in. you are seeing the ability/skill in you and the ineptness in others.
2. Arrogance is a feeling, Confidence is a knowing. You feel arrogant but you know your skillfulness, this knowing fuel your confidence.
3. Arrogance kills trust, Confidence builds trust.
4. Arrogance is distracts, Confidence does not.
5. Arrogance repels, Confidence attracts.

Monday 4 April 2016


Failure is an orphan is a popular saying, no one wishes to identity with failure; but as hated and abhorred by many, failure has a positive side to it. This positive side is not known and accepted but it does exist, it’s very real as success itself.
It is an understanding and possessing a good attitude to failure that make this positive side of failure glaring to all to show and appreciate. There are some proven facts about failure that one must consciously seek and have understanding of; these I will attempt to discuss in brief in this writing. All most all inventors of all age at some point or the other failed in their effort but that in no way did not discourage them or give them reason to back down in their vision and dreams. They all shared one thing in common and that is an understanding of what failure is and the lesson it has to offer to all who care to learn.
WHAT IS FAILURE: failure is an event not an identity. Men that had made impact in life had this knowing; that failure is only an event and not their identity. They never allowed the dream they had failed to actualize to define their person but had always put it in the past tense and push ahead unto getting their dream actualized. Am yet to a success who had not failed once in the past but their resilience erased the failed past and gave them an identity of a success. They refused to quit, stayed at it over time, and success beckoned on them. Those that failed in one thing continue to quit in other things.
1. Failure plus persistence equal success.
2. Failure is an event or experience not an identity.
3. Those who fail and quit live to quit all their life time.
4. Failure is all but a feedback. Its mission is to tell you that what you have done is not what you need do to have desired result. So do something else.
5. Failure is a trainer. It trains your resilience.

Thursday 17 March 2016

Five Undeniable Facts of Life

👉1. Don't educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be Happy. So when they grow up they will know the value of thingsnot the price
👉2. Eat your food as your medicines. Otherwise you have to eat medicines as your food
👉3. The One who loves you will never leave you because even if there are 100 reasons to give up he will find one reason to hold on
👉4. There is a lot of difference between human being and being human. A Few understand it.
👉5. You are loved when you are born. You will be loved when you die. In between You have to manage...!

Wednesday 6 January 2016

The Kingdom of God is Within You

Matthew 12:28 - But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.
John 3:3 - Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
Luke 17:20-21 - Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation;
nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”
1 Corinthian 4:20 - For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power.

The kingdom of God is in power and this explains why power heralds God’s kingdom; for as many that receive Him, He gave the power to be sons of God even to them that believe in His name. Once one believes in Jesus, such one receives empowerment to become God’s child and a member of God’s household and kingdom.
Receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior is being born again. When one is born again such one is empowered to see the kingdom of God. See, witness, or experience all speak of same thing. So being born again makes one to experience the kingdom lifestyle even while on earth. The implication is that the kingdom of God is first an experience to have and continue to have and later a place to go or inherit.
You have the kingdom of God within you if you are born again, you dwell where God dwells while yet physically on the earth. You receive an inoculation with power which places you above the earthly factors and elements; having the power to deal with demonic influences. In the world yet immune to the negative effects of the world system; though attempts may be made at you but the power to prevail over you will be lacking and this is the real essence of experiencing the kingdom of God.
A heritage of exemption is one of the core benefits of the kingdom of God and you belong to this kingdom and you have this kingdom within you if you are born again.
Isaiah 54:17 - No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the LORD.