REPROBATE (corrupted) MIND

Romans 1:21-32 (Expanded Bible Version)
21 They knew God, but they did not give glory to God or thank him. Their thinking became •useless [futile; pointless]. Their foolish [ignorant; uncomprehending] •minds [L hearts] were •filled with darkness [darkened].22 They claimed to be wise, but they became fools. 23 They •traded [exchanged] the glory of •God who lives forever [the immortal/imperishable God] for the worship of •idols [images] made to look like •earthly [mortal; perishable] people, birds, animals, and reptiles.
24 Because they did these things, God •abandoned them to [allowed them to pursue; gave them over to] •their sinful desires [L the desires of their hearts], resulting in •sexual impurity [L uncleanness; impurity] and the dishonoring of their bodies with one another. 25 They •traded [exchanged] the truth of God for •a lie [or the lie; see Gen. 3:4–5] and worshiped and served •the creation [or the creature; or created things] instead of the Creator, who •should be praised [or is blessed] forever. Amen.
26 Because people did those things, God •abandoned them to [allowed them to pursue; gave them over to] •shameful [dishonorable; degrading] •lusts [passions]. [L Their]Women •stopped having natural sex and started having sex with other women [L exchanged natural (heterosexual) relations for unnatural ones]. 27 In the same way, men •stopped having [abandoned] natural •sex [L relations with women] and •began wanting [L were inflamed in their lust for] each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and in •their bodies [L themselves] they received the •punishment [recompense; due penalty] for •those wrongs [their error].
28 [L And since/just as] People did not •think it was important [consider it worthwhile; see fit] to •have a true knowledge of [or acknowledge] God. So God •abandoned them to [allowed them to pursue; gave them over to] •their own worthless thinking [a depraved/corrupted mind] to do things they should not do. 29 They are filled with every kind of •sin [unrighteousness; injustice], •evil [wickedness], •selfishness [greed], and •hatred [evil; malice; depravity]. They are full of •jealousy [envy], murder, •fighting [strife; quarreling], •lying [deceit; treachery], and •thinking the worst about each other[spite; maliciousness]. They are gossips 30 and •say evil things about each other [slanderers; backstabbers]. They hate God. They are •rude [insolent; haughty] and •conceited [proud; arrogant] and •brag about themselves [boastful]. They invent ways of doing evil. They do not •obey [respect] their parents. 31 They are .foolish [senseless; undiscerning], they •do not keep their promises [or are covenant-breakers], and they show no •kindness [love; affection] or •mercy [pity] to others. 32 They know God’s •law says [righteous decree; just requirement] that those who live like this should die. But they themselves not only continue to do these evil things, they •applaud [approve of; encourage] others who do them.


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