26 Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image and likeness. And let them •rule [T have dominion] over the fish in the sea and the birds in the •sky [heavens], over the •tame animals [beasts; livestock], over all the earth, and over all the small crawling animals on the earth.”
27 So God created [1:1] •human beings [T man; C the Hebrew Adam can mean human beings, humankind, person, man, or the proper name Adam] in his image [C reflecting God’s nature/character and representing him in the world]. In the image of God he created them. He created them male and female. 28 God blessed them and said [L to them], “•Have many children and grow in number [T Be fruitful and multiply]. •Fill […and fill] the earth and •be its master [subdue it]. •Rule [T Have dominion] over the fish in the sea and over the birds in the •sky [heavens] and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Genesis 1:26-28 (Expanded Bible Version).
26 Because people did those things, God •abandoned them to [allowed them to pursue; gave them over to] •shameful [dishonorable; degrading] •lusts [passions]. [L Their]Women •stopped having natural sex and started having sex with other women [L exchanged natural (heterosexual) relations for unnatural ones]. 27 In the same way, men •stopped having [abandoned] natural •sex [L relations with women] and •began wanting [L were inflamed in their lust for] each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and in •their bodies [L themselves] they received the •punishment [recompense; due penalty] for •those wrongs [their error]. Romans 1:26-27 (Expanded Bible version).
It is natural and scientific for like to repel and opposite to attract. There is yet no technology that I know of that can make same magnetic poles to attract each other, same/like poles will always repel and this is one of the ways that nature has used to maintain order. At any point in time that like/same begins to attract each other, it becomes an abnormality. Every abnormality is seeking for one thing; and that is a correction of the abnormality and not compromise or accommodation. I think same should be the case for sexual orientation towards same gender.
From the account of creation, it is vividly clear that man was created male and female; God created gender and this was for a purpose, for man to have children and grow in number (be fruitful and multiply). Till date science has not given an alternative to egg (from female) and sperm (from male) to achieve fertilization and as such God’s creation of gender still subsists.
There has been a lot of argument that those that have sexual orientation to their same gender were created so, but in all fairness this is very much untrue as no abnormality is natural (nature is normal). It is denial of the fact and self-deceit to believe that abnormality is natural; every abnormality has a trigger(s) or cause(s) and seeks nothing else but correction. You don’t seek to accommodate your automobile when it develops fault, instead you make efforts to repair or correct the fault to have it continue to serve.
But why are some people having sexual orientation towards same gender is a question that continues to beg for an answer; truly the answer is found in the creation manual – the Bible (Romans 1:21-32 please read that passage). These people have been given out to reprobate mind – a corrupted, debased, defective, and deprived mind and thinking because of their rejection of God; when men chose to reject God their Maker, He rejects them as well. Though they know God and what His instructions were but they instead chose to live in pretense, denial, and disobedience to known instructions. This is the simply explanation to this abnormality – same sex orientation.
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