How to Stop the Blame Game

One major reason we live is to have opportunities to have experiences and learn from them; once we learn we move on to the next one. However, if we fail to learn, we keep finding opportunities to learn it again and again; it is an endless cycle of adventure.
Many people fail in life because the experiences that came their way end up being an event because no lesson was learnt from them. They blame everyone but themselves for these events and so become much blinded to the lesson the experiences have presented to them. No wonder they never cease to have repeat of similar experiences.
Life will continue to throw at us the same lessons until we learn from them for there are no shortcut to life and more so no carryover. Here are some ways to start learning from life experiences, you must push a stop button to blame game to able to make progress in life.
1. Look out for a lesson to learn from whatever experience you pass through especially the negative experiences.
2. Make a personal commitment to asking the question “what lesson is this experience presenting to me?”
3. Take a personal responsibility and admit that the challenge may be my creation. Don’t think of who to blame.
4. Take a personal root cause analysis to certain what happened and how you may have contributed to what happened. Ask question like what should I have done differently?
5. Make a promise to yourself that the past errors will not be repeated.
6. Detach yourself from the experience. Failure is an event not your identity, so don’t nurse your wound longer than needful.
7. Assure yourself there will be another opportunity to get it right and prepare for it.


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