5 Major Ways You Can Cook Beans To Avoid Farting After Eating.

Before talking or explaining the methods that you can use to cook beans to prevent farting after, you should first understand what causes this flatulence. Beans contain a class of carbohydrates called Oligosaccharides (e.g. raffinose and stachyose), some of which cannot be processed by our digestive system.

When we eat beans and they get to our intestine, the Oligosaccharides remain there as we do not have the enzymes or any other thing whatsoever to digest them. After the Oligosaccharides pass into our large intestine, the bacteria present there start to break them down. During this process, the bacteria release several different types of gases, mainly hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. About 33% of these bacteria also end up producing methane and this is the one that smells.

Methods for Cooking Beans To Prevent Farting

1. Soaking your Beans in Water
Scientists and even pro chefs have recommended soaking your beans in water for hours before cooking will remove most of these Oligosaccharides before you cook them. Many people said this works but I know not many people have the patience to soak beans before cooking. But it sure works! More so soaking your beans in water increases the amounts of vitamins, especially B vitamins.
2. Adding Mound to the Beans
The reason why we have problems digesting beans is that we lack the alpha-galactosidase enzyme in our digestive tract. There is a mound called Aspergillums Niger that contains the Alpha-Galactosidase enzyme. After gently sprinkling this on your food, it works by breaking down Oligosaccharides and preventing your large intestinal bacteria from creating gases. It is now being sold as a product and people that use it said they usually by from Amazon online under the brand name Beano.
3. Soaking Beans with Baking Soda
This baking soda has many uses that will be listed soon. One of them is what it does to help reduce or eliminate flatulence after eating beans. Adding baking soda to the soak water of dried beans before cooking (about 1/16 teaspoon per quart) significantly decreases the content of the raffinose and other Oligosaccharide family members.
4. Changing the boiled water
This method has worked with great success. It’s simple, what do you do? Cook your beans with a lot of water for about 15 minutes, then throw away the water and add fresh boiling water. In this first boiling, do not add any cooking ingredients yet, because it’ll cause it to wash away. It is believed that most of these saccharides must have been removed by the first boiling although there’s no scientific backing for this.
5. Don’t Consume Beans Late At Night
This is not part of the cooking process, but it was always going to come in. Now we are done listing the methods to consider during preparation. We should also remember how to consume after cooking. Beans require longer time to digest so eat early enough so that the digest progresses long before you retire to sleep. Sleep slows down digesting process.


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