Why Winners Win and Losers Lose
We all want to be winners. We all want to succeed. So why then do so many of us struggle indefinitely and come up short? It has something to do with how we think, what we focus on, and how we live each moment.
Here are a few ideas on why winners win and losers lose.
Losers fail once and quit. Winners fail a thousand times and eventually succeed.
Losers look for success at the finish line. Winners experience success along the way.
Losers work to make money. Winners work to make a difference.
Losers buy things. Winners build things.
Losers see things they don’t understand and get discouraged. Winners see things they don’t understand and get curious.
Losers talk. Winners communicate.
Losers attempt to conquer the world in one shot. Winners add up all their small victories.
Losers expect certain outcomes. Winners prepare themselves for the unexpected.
Losers seek respect. Winners earn respect.
Losers stare at the problem. Winners look around for the solution.
Losers review options. Winners act on decisions.
Losers are paid for their time. Winners are paid for their results.
Losers let things happen. Winners make things happen.
Losers want to get ahead of others. Winners help others get ahead too.
Losers hangout with losers. Winners hangout with winners who are more successful than they are.
Losers follow other people’s definitions of success. Winners define their own success.
Losers escape fears. Winners face fears.
Losers waste their free time (watching TV). Winners use their free time (learning or experiencing something new).
Losers see the unknown as a risk. Winners see constant familiarity as a risk.
Losers live in the past. Winners live life now based on lessons learned in the past.
Losers label themselves as experts. Winners know there is still much to learn.
Losers over-sell. Winners over-deliver.
Losers frown. Winners smile.
Losers think winners are lucky. Winners realize the harder they work the luckier they are.
Losers want it NOW. Winners understand delayed gratification.
Losers lack discipline. Winners realize that the pain of regret is greater than the pain of discipline.
Losers see challenges as obstacles. Winners see challenges as opportunity.
Losers give up just before they succeed. Winners try just that one more time.
Losers focus on what they don’t have. Winners focus on what they do have.
Losers follow the common path. Winners take the road less travelled.
Losers protest. Winners ask questions or make enquiry.
Losers hide out in the background, thinking they’ll participate once they’ve “got it all together.” Winners show up as they are, as their “best selves.”
Losers don’t want to share their success; they take credit for achievements. Winners invite everyone to be on the team to share the work and the victory. Winners acknowledge those who’ve helped them.
Losers don’t act, because they’re afraid. Winners are afraid, too, but they just move forward, seeking the support and resources they need.
Source: www.marcandangel.com/
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