There is someone for everyone

God is the perfect creator and maker of all good things; every good and perfect gift in life comes from Him – James 1:17 every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
He is always thoughtful in His creation and makes great provision for every of His creature. The account of creation attested to this as there was no animal until there was plant for animal to feed on and no plant before light needed for photosynthesis; that is a great planning. Also there was no woman until there was a man and not just a man but a man already in need of a woman in his life.
I will love to say that God creates in pairs, male and female He created them – Genesis 1:27. For every male there is a female created as well, but it demands time and patience for them to locate each other. To explain further this truth, the word said “not one shall lack her mate” - Isaiah 34:16. So lady there is a man for you and guy there is a babe for you whatever odds you think are against you notwithstanding. God created you with your likely match in mind so that you can fit in perfectly.


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