There are habits and dispositions resilient people are known with. Their ability to bounce back better than they were with more power and more smart defines who they are but there are habits that proves that they are resilient. We shall take a look at some of habits and it is my desire that you will make frantic effort to develop these habits in your own life; remember in our last discussion we did say that resilience is developed.
1. They have defined goals. When goals are not known and defined, performance assessment becomes an impossible task. So resilient people defines what they are out for per time.
2. They believe the goal is achievable.
3. They are ready to go over it again and again until the goal is achieved. Sees opportunity not chance in every set back encountered; opportunity demands a greater commitment but a chance could be seen as something that will come all the time.
4. Understands that environment must not be favorable; all things cannot be equal. So he/she is ready to face the odds.
5. They are self-reliant
6. Do not want to explain it away nor blame any but face obstacle head on.
7. Takes responsibility. Ask the question what else can be done to get result.
8. Do not keep count of effort made but goals attained.
9. Sees failure as an event not an identity. They do not make repeated mistake and consider failure as a necessary learning step not as final.
10. They are full of hope and positive expectation; optimists. Ever looking at the bright side of life and able to see good even during the worst time.
11. Joy; they find joy and have a sense of humor. Laughter in the face of adversity can be pain relieving for both the body and the mind.
12. Turns adversity into opportunity for growth. Mistake for them is an experience not an event, they learn and hardly repeat same mistake.
13. They take care of their health and never allow stress to build up.
14. They possess an internal soothe mechanism and not from external sources like drugs or alcohol.
15. They keep great company. It takes an iron to sharpen an iron. They saying that opposite attracts and like repels do not apply to them. Resilient people seek out and surround themselves with resilient people.
16. They practice acceptance, never denies the facts. Pain is painful, stress is stressful, and healing takes time. They accept they do not have answer to all things.
17. They practice silence and quietness which aids deep thinking and meditation. By thinking I mean productive reasoning.
18. They have a support network, they do not isolate themselves from other because intimate relationship with friends and family provides a great shock absorber and raises self-worth.
19. They do not live with blames or regrets nor nurse their odds. No pity party.
20. Gratitude


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