There are a lot that can hinder the flow of the blessing above limit, the list may be endless but I shall consider a few of these hindrances. The purpose of pointing these hindrances is for it to be known and avoided so that access to the limitless blessings can be secured.
1. Possessing a lack mindset. As a man thinks in his heart so is he. Those that think lack never cease from being in want. Their preoccupation is only what to grab at every opportunity that calls, they do not see life as what to contribute but what to grab. If they are giving a treasury to keep watch over, you see them stealing all; they take things they will make use of in life. Because to them life is all about what you can gather, they keep on looting and accumulating a cursed things.
Other characteristic of lack mindset is that it make people view life from the negative prism of life, they think impossibility all the time.
2. Not being conscious of the blessing. The greatest discovery in life is self-discovery, but self-awareness is the first step to discovering self. You must be conscious of the blessing before you can become a candidate for blessing above limit. Until your effort is blessed you cannot access the blessings. Hard work is a very great virtue and must be inculcated in every life and believed in by all, but hard work needs blessing to deliver outstanding result. Consciousness raises expectation and expectation is the womb of manifestation.
3. Not knowing what we need. The monetized economy has indeed affected our thinking; people see money behind every need that comes their way. Money can buy all material blessing but you do not necessarily need money to have all material blessings. For instance, someone needs a car what comes to mind is how do I raise money to buy the car as if buying the car is the only way to have a car; you can receive a car as a gift. In a time in life, people lived without money and survived; so money is not all we need. This mind lock is the reason people no longer value the social aspect of life nor value other kinds of capitals like goodwill, integrity, your social network, etc.
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