But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’ Genesis 3:3
Lack of understanding of the laws and instructions of God is what I consider as one of the reasons people violet such laws and commandments. This lack shows it’s in poor interpretation of the instructions and thereafter failure to comply with them.
If only man could have a good understanding, surely obedience will be easy to come by for the instructions of God are mainly for the good and benefit of Man. How do I mean? God gives instruction to help man out of his difficulties in life not to put man in more difficulties. God’s instruction is not a burden.
When God told Adam and his wife Eve not to eat the fruit in the middle of the garden less they die, they could not understand what death God was talking about. Eve ate the fruit and was alive to offer same to the husband Adam, she didn’t die and for her God was only making a threat and never mean death. But little did she and her husband realize that God meant spiritual death not physical.
The moment Adam and Eve were done with eating the forbidden fruit, God’s Spirit in them died, the God in them died. Man created a spirit being was reduced to human being; the flesh began to dominate the spirit and such communication with God who is a Spirit became a challenge and as such when God appeared, Adam and Eve began to run. Fear took the place of boldness and courage. If only Adam and Eve had known that God was actually referring to spiritual death, may be they would not have fall prey to the lies of the devil.
This trend has not stopped, men are still been preyed today because of ignorance to the instructions of God. Men still have false interpretation of the laws and instruction of God and continued to hold unto these false understanding. But the truth forever remains that God’s standard stands and no man can compromise it nor is God Himself going to compromise it for the sake of any man. So wisdom demands that everyone seeks good understanding of God instruction and strive to keep them. Those that break the laws will always have a disjointed destiny but for those who keep them glorious destiny remains theirs.


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