Safety and Protection

Safety of life and protection of properties is basic need of humanity and a responsibility every government and heads of government is expected to shoulder. In modern democracy, heads of government swore to an oath to protect properties of its citizen and ensure the safety of all citizens. A perception held about safety and protection of life defines how such a country becomes a destination for tourist and investors. Nations with strong perception of safety and protection are considered a safe haven and the implication is that crime rate is minimal in such nations.
What is safety? It is a state of being safe, the condition of being protected from harm and other undesirable outcome or happenings. In a safe environment, security is never a concern and crime incidence very minimal or non-occurring.
The fact remains that no government can guarantee total safety and protection of citizen but many governments have succeeded in stemming down crime rate through deployment of technologies. The value attached to human life defines the commitment to safety of life and protection of properties and those with strong value for life make so much investment to secure life but those with little value do less or nothing to safe guard life and property.
God is much interested in safety and protection of life, all across the pages of the Bible are proves to this and obedience to God law is a guarantee to safety and protection. How do I know?

1 Peter 3:13-And who is he who will harm you if you become followers of what is good?

Do being follower of that which is good seem like obedience? You will believe it is much so, make a choice to follower of that which is good.
Obedience makes one God’s treasure and treasures are guarded with jealousy and kept in most secured place. Nations that treasure its citizen invest much to guarantee safety and protection of life.

Exodus 19:5 - Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine.

You are kept beyond the reach of all attackers by your obedience to God’s commandments. So your safety and protection is in your hand; take your stand and be protected from all harms.


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