Arrogance and Confidence

Arrogance is the act or habit of arrogating, or making undue claims in an overbearing manner; that species of pride which consists in exorbitant claims of rank, dignity, estimation, or power, or which exalts the worth or importance of the person to an undue degree; proud contempt of others
Confidence is generally described as a state of being certain either that a hypothesis or prediction is correct or that a chosen course of action is the best or most effective. Self-confidence is having confidence in one's self.
The descriptions above are from Wikipedia.
In everyday life, confident people are often mistaken as arrogant people and same way arrogant people think there are confident. Most time people become unconsciously arrogant, they never plan to but they are already. The fact remains that you may not always have the privilege to explain your action and as such the task of putting check lies on us individually. Personally watch yourself less the arrogance in you manifests in the place of confidence. We shall look at a few checks below.
Arrogance vs Confidence.
1. Arrogance is a comparison, Confidence is not. When you catch yourself comparing yourself with another person, watch it arrogance is creeping in. you are seeing the ability/skill in you and the ineptness in others.
2. Arrogance is a feeling, Confidence is a knowing. You feel arrogant but you know your skillfulness, this knowing fuel your confidence.
3. Arrogance kills trust, Confidence builds trust.
4. Arrogance is distracts, Confidence does not.
5. Arrogance repels, Confidence attracts.


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