Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase. Job 8:7 It is in the nature of God to start great things in a very small way. This most times is contrary to the quick fix culture of our age. Nothing great today actually started big but in a little form; the account of creation and every day experience attests to this. In God’s dream to fill the whole earth with man who is to subdue and replenish the earth, created only a man – Adam and much later a woman – Eve; He did not create all the nations, tribes, race, and languages in a day. God chose to make only one man in His image and likeness and out of him created all nations, tribes, race, and languages. A seed is a very small part of a tree, but inside that tiny seed is not just a tree but trees. When the seed is sown, it do not turn to a tree overnight but goes through a process of time to transform to a tree and then a forest. Even the human life, it starts little in fertilization, pregnancy and then b...