At moment of challenges and difficulties in life, it is easier for people to look for help from people around them; friends, relations; colleagues, and even strangers. There is a mindset that the way forward will come from without and not from within; but if only one will look within, he would have gotten help earlier and easier than anticipated because what you need is within you. A Spider will never need anything without to build its web, all it takes a Spider to build its web comes from within the Spider and so all you need is within you; but you must be able to look within to discover this.
At creation, God made the first man Adam with Eve his wife within him and at the right time she was taken away from Adam. The need of a help meet for Adam made God to look within Adam and made Eve while Adam was in a deep sleep; Adam said she is the bone of my bone and the flesh of my flesh. She was taken from me and called her woman – a man that was inside me. So help Adam needed was all the while within Adam and yet Adam was not aware of this.
A widow of one of the sons of the prophets had a debt burden on her and for which her son was to be taken away from her but she never know she had the means to pay up the debt within her. She was looking without while the means was lying within her home. The prophet came her way and knowing the mind of God, asked her what do you have woman? Her response was revealing, your maid has nothing but a can of oil, but from this can of oil the woman paid her debt and had enough to live on with her son. The prophet made her look within and her visitation came. If only you will look within from today.
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