
Showing posts from 2018

Why You Are Still POOR and UNSUCCESSFUL by Dr Myles Munroe (Must Watch)


THIS MONEY SECRET WILL SHOCK YOU! by Dr Myles Munroe (Must Watch NOW!)


4 Keys To Become CHRISTIAN BILLIONAIRE by Dr Myles Munroe (Must Watch!!!)



Whatever will profit anyone will demand dedication from such one. Nothing comes easy in life; every progress or milestone is a product of an articulated and conscientious effort. Often times, the things that stand as barriers on our path to great result do not necessarily intend to stop our result but merely serve to test our commitment to the course we chase. What is your commitment and how dedicated are you to your course. Dedication is the willingness to give one’s quality and quantity of time and energy to something because it is important and of good value. The value system one has defines his/her dedication. I make bold to say that lack of value is the sole reason for lack of dedication; as you can’t have a right value for a thing and not show dedication to the same. Surely you do agree to this. I can from what you show commitment to discern your value system. Words as commitment, wholeheartedness, single-mindedness, enthusiasm, zeal, diligence, assiduity, staying power, ...

God Has A Plan For You

I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for. Jeremiah 29:11 it's a practice for people, organisations and institutions to has plan for the year especially this time the year is beginning. planning is a show of responsibility and maturity and God is fully in support of planning. But whatever plan we have for ourselves cannot at any time match the plan God has for us. God's thought is higher than our thought. God's plan will always out match our plan because God has the bigger picture, He knows the end of it all from the very beginning. So it's wisdom to submit our plan to Him and see how our plan fit into His master plan. In the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and their eyes were open to know that they were naked. at this point, Adam and Eve made a plan for themselves by making a cover with leaves. That's the much they could come up with; so if God ha...