A coin is a piece of hard material used primarily as a means of exchange or legal tender. There are also two sides to every coin; these two sides are known as head and tail. Any mutilation on either side of the coin renders the coin invalid and as such not fit any longer to serve as a means of exchange or legal tender. Coins have varied value and the values of most coins in use today are usually inscribed on any of the sides of the coin. So every coin has value and two sides to it. As every coin has two sides, so life has two sides as well. Life at any point in time will present choices and the choice we make defines the value we have. This is a slight variation to the analogue of the value of the coin; the value is fixed and whatever side does not have effect on the value of the coin. We make the most of life when we make the most of the opportunity that life present to us at any point in time. People have equal opportunities but varied result because of the decision they made whe...